036. Križanje kolo; Kad se Ćiro oženio

Description of the collection

Dialect: D
Topic: From Cradle to Grave
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.001B (00.16–01.31)
Title or Incipit: Križanje singing to the text Kad se Ćiro oženio [“When Ćiro got married”]
Locality: Lakócsa/Lukovišće
Year: 1953
Recorded by: László K. Kovács

Comment: Križanje, traditional pair dance with singing (to the text “Kad se Ćiro oženio [When Ćiro got married]). This is a vocal-instrumental performance, singing to dude (bagpipes); sung and played by Jozo Bardek-Cican. – In his annunciation, Vujičić calls this dance a kolo, which is wrong, since it is a pair dance with motives of old Hungarian dance called ugrós. The melody is known according to the lyrics, present in this number (Andor Végh).