027-028. Pomozi Bože i Gospa; Ako li joj dobro bude

Description of the collection

Dialect: D
Topic: From Cradle to Grave
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.001A (08.03–10.36)
Title or Incipit: Pomozi Bože i Gospa! [Dear God and Our Lady, Help!] and Ako li joj dobro bude [If it will be good for her]
Locality: Lakócsa/Lukovišće
Year: 1953
Recorded by: László K. Kovács

Comment: Sung by two groups of women to the bass, antiphonally. The song is connected to making evergreen garlands. – The transcription has been published in the collection (nr. 117 and nr. 118). The two melodies frame one piece sung as a unit in the recording.



Pomozi Bože i Gospa,
i Gospa,
I – hu-hu-hu-hu!

Pomozi Bože i Gospa,
i ovaj nateg zeleni,
i ovaj končec bijeli,
i ovo vino rumeno.


Ako li joj dobro bude,
sve u dobru zaboravi,
ako li joj dobro ne bu:
ona neće nigdar dalje.