047. Ženi, majko, sina jednoga; dance melody

Description of the collection

Dialect: D
Topic: From Cradle to Grave
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.002A (04.17–06.25)
Title or Incipit: Ženi, majko, sina jednoga [“Dear mother, let your only son get married “] song and dance melody
Locality: Lakócsa/Lukovišće
Played on: dude with singing of a group (and the dude player)
Year: 1953
Recorded by: László K. Kovács

Announcement: Coming in the groom’s house. Bagpipe, singing, then kolo.

Comment: It used to be performed while the bride was entering to her new home. The melody of the first, slow song has been played to already mentioned lane model, in variant specific for its dude accompaniment. The next melody has a contrasting, dance character, and it has also been shaped in the way characteristic for the older layer of traditional playing of these regions (Andor Végh) and it has been performed with crying out of rhymed couplets.