14. Comment about the dance lese; VT_Dig_00010_02715. Da je Aga burma pozlaćena – melody and lyrics of wedding song, manuscript; VT_Dig_1_00007_00516. The older did not sing –manuscript of the note, Kátoly (Katolj); VT_Dig_00010_01117. Dođoše, doleteše nuzkolundžije – melody and lyrics of wedding song, manuscript; VT_Dig_218. Blago nama, evo našeg kuma – melody and lyrics of wedding song, manuscript; VT_Dig_00014_01919. Doleti beo venac – melody and lyrics of wedding song, manuscript; VT_2018_5.img00120. Informants’ names and lyrics of wedding songs, manuscript, Magyarcsanád (Čanad); VT_Dig_00014_00621. Melody and lyrics of wedding song Odbi se biser granaand lyrics of song Lepu Smilju izvedoše; VT_2018_5.img00622. Svatovi su uranili – melody and lyrics of wedding song, Medina; VT_Dig_00007_02423. Da je znala drenjina – melody and lyrics of počasnica song (song in honor), Medina, manuscript; VT_2018_5.img02524. Lyrics of wedding song with note about the custom, Medina; VT_2018_5.img02225. Manuscript of wedding songs’ lyrics with notes about the custom and participants, Medina; VT_2018_5.img02326. Lyrics of wedding songs and two wedding melodies with lyrics, one of which is počašnica (toast-song), Medina, manuscript; VT_2018_5.img02427. Melody and lyrics of two wedding songs Procvala se kleja detelina and Plači, Anka, plači zdravo, Kásád (Kašad), manuscript; VT_2018_5.img01528. Melody of Pillow dance, manuscript; VT_Dig_00007_01829. Ајој, mati moja mila– lyrics of lament, Magyarcsanád (Čanad), manuscript; 2_Vujicsics30. Aoj, mati moja slatka – melody and lyrics of lament with note “(Tata)”[Daddy] , manuscript; Vujicsics_094