110. Vrapčevo (kolo)
Dialect: D
Theme: Instrumental and instrumental-sung music
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.050B_11.59–14.15
Title or incipit: Vrapčevo kolo
Locality: Felsőszentmárton/Martinci
Played by: tambura orchestra
Year: unknown
Comment: Transcription of this kolo published in the Collection was made according to the performance from 1956 (nr. 267). At performance level, individual qualities of orchestra musicians and enviable compliance of the ansamble can also be noticed, especially on the level of the technics and articulation characteristics. Eventhough due to (poor) quality of the recording the positive impression about dynamical aspects of performing can not be determined, it appears to be primarily “functional performing” of music for the dance – whose expressiveness, to a large degree, depending on interaction between musitians and dancers – and not the artificial performance with designed and determined dynamic elements of expression. It consciously suggests (half-)professional status of the Martinci orchestra, meaning noticeable engagement in their main/parent socio-cultural community, or, in the sense of topicality of tambura music at that time.