012-013. Odbi se biser grana od jorgovana; Met’la nogu na potegu
Dialect: D
Topic: From Cradle to Grave
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.091A (06.00–09.10)
Incipit: 012: Odbi se biser grana od jorgovana; 013: Met’la nogu na potegu [The branch of pearls has departed from the lilac; She put her foot on the cart-ladder]
Locality: Bátya/Baćin
Sung by the Choir of the chanters of the Serb Orthodox Parish
Year: unknown
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: Wedding songs. The first of them is one of the characteristic wedding songs of Serbs in the Pannonian plain, which is taken as an etalon for a sequence of wedding songs. Sung in the same melodic model (in Vojvodina also known by the emic name svatovac). The first tune is usually followed by a contrasting one in character, with quatrain verses. This form was also noted by Béla Bartók in 1912 among Serbs in nowadays Romanian Banat. This order of melodies is usual in a traditional wedding context. By this song and dance the moment of separating the bride from her parent’s home is marked.
Transcription of the variant of the song from Battonya [Batanja] is published in the collection (nr. 100).

Odbi se biser grana od jorgovana,
od jorgovana.
Odbi se biser grana od jorgovana
i lepa Smilja od svoje majke,
od mile majke, od oca svoga,
od oca svoga, od brata svoga,
od brata svoga, od roda svoga.
Rode moj, mili rode, blagoslovi me,
blagoslovi me, rode, ne prokuni me.