014. Doleti beo venac iz vedra neba
Dialect: D
Topic: From Cradle to Grave
Reference: ZTI_AP_8166d
Incipit: Doleti beo venac iz vedra neba [The white garland has flown from clear skies]
Locality: Magyarcsanád /Čanad
Sung by Rakila Neduca (b. Bunjevac, 76)
Year: 28. 2. 1959
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: Wedding song. It was sung while preparing the bride for her wedding (the emic term ubrađivanje used in Banat refers to the function of song, which was sung in the moments when the wreath is put on her head), a widespread melodic model, as in number 012.
Transcription of the song was published in the Collection (nr. 98).

Doleti beo venac iz vedra neba,
doleti beo venac iz ravna polja,
pa pade lepoj Smilji na rusu kosu.
Smilja ga smeće, on se nadmeće.
Ne smeći, Smiljo, smetnut’ ga nećeš!
Ali besedi Smilja devojka:
Venče moj, venče, dangubo moja,
dok te pridenem, jutro ne prođe,
dok te odpridenem, i veče prođe.