062. Oj, čubrova goro
Dialect: D
Theme: From autumn to autumn
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.098 (13.16–13.46)
Incipit: Oj, čubrova goro [Oh, you, the savory forest]
Locality: Katymár/Kaćmar
Sung by Petrona Petreš (63)
Year: 20. 2. 1971
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: Kraljička song, with melopoetic structure which responds to the number 059 (Zvonila je Ana). Transcription is published in the Collection (nr. 144).

Faljen Isus!
Triba l’ pivat?*
Oj, čubrova goro,
oj, čubrova goro, Ljeljo.
Oj čubrova goro,
mi čubar beremo,
da kralja kitimo,
kralja i kraljicu,
bana i banicu,
i sve kolo riedom.
Mi selu idemo,
selo od nas biži,
mi mu ne idemo
da ga porobimo,
već mu mi idemo,
da ga pohodimo.
At the end
Na, s’ pošetaj, kralju,
poklon’, barjaktaru,
okreni se, kolo,
olo naokolo
i sve kolo riedom,
i četir pivača
i dva rastavljača
što kolo rastavlja,
kolo naokolo
i sve kolo riedom.
I sve kolo riedom, Ljeljo,
Faljen Isus!*
*Editors’ note: Lyrics of this and the following represent a whole that illustrates the beginning of the ritual – greeting and a question before singing in front of the house, “Praised Jesus! Do you need us to sing?” (“Faljen Isus! Triba l’ pivat?”) and the very end of the ritual, with greetings “Faljen Isus!”. These greeting recitatives were not written down in the first edition of the collection, and here they are included according to the field recording of another kraljice song sung by the same singer (Recording Nr. 059, 063 in the Supplement).