059. Zvonila je Ana, Ljeljo

Dialect: D
Theme: From autumn to autumn
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.098 (10.30–12.25)
Incipit: Zvonila je Ana, Ljeljo [Anka has rung the bell, Ljeljo]
Locality: Katymár/Kaćmar
Sung by Petrona Petreš (63)
Year: 20. 2. 1971
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics

Comment: Kraljička song. Specific, hemiol metrics and a melopoetic form which creates an impression of constant moving. Hvaljen Isus! [Praised be Jesus!] is the shout at the end, as a marker of ending the ritual song. With this number a sequence of recordings of kraljice songs (for the Holiday of Pentecost) that represent ritual tradition of Bunjevci begin.

Transcription of this song was not published in the Collection.