130. Ta ne bole cveće kad sa grane pade
Dialect: D
Theme: Town songs, songs by well-known or unknown authors
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.091B_10.50–12.50
Title or incipit: Ta ne bole cveće kad sa grane pade [But the flowers do not have pain when falling from the branch], and Refrain: Kazuj meni, ime moje [Tell me, you, my name]
Locality: Battonya/Batanja
Sung by: Choir of male church singers of Serb Orthodox Parish in Battonya
Year: unknown
Comment: This is an author song and it belongs to high city culture. It is followed by the second song, contrasted in tempo and character; this is the principle of the Choir in making sequences of songs in longer continual singing. The impression is that the chanters gladly sung following the principle of contrast and binding songs by the principle slow–fast. Although the song was recorded as performance of the choir, in the Collection it is transcribed as one-part piece (nr. 301).

Ta ne boli cveće kad sa grane pane,
već na tužnoj grani ostaju tek rane.
Cvetak vetrić nosi leta veseloga,
zbogom čedo moje, srce srca moga.
Ne umire potok, kad oteče dalje,
već korito tužno suši se i taje.
Potočić će naći lepše perivoje,
zbogom dušo moja, zbogom čedo moje.
Kad odleti ptica, u visinu s’ vine,
ali tužno gnezdo u samoći gine.
Ptica u visini večnu ljubav poje,
zbogom dušo moja, zbogom čedo moje.
Otkinuti cvete, potoče neverni,
odletela ptico, zrače moj biserni:
tužnog mog života ti, jedino blago,
zbogom moja dušo, zbogom čedo drago.