074. Široko je lišće borovo
Dialect: D
Theme: Epic songs, narrative songs, romances, ballads
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.090A (13.44–17.42)
Incipit: Široko je lišće borovo [Wide are the leaves of the pine tree]
Locality: Dunaszekcső/Sečuj
Sung by Ljubica Bebić Vujičić (78), grandmother of Tihomir Vujičić
Year: 1959
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: The song belongs to the widespread family of variants with this content and melody, which is characteristic for the Serbian / Southern Slav music tradition in Pannonia: in Vojvodina, Slavonija, Baranja, on the territory of Serbia, Hungary and Romania, but also in parts of Bosnia and central Serbia. This solo performance is exceptionally distinctive, with specific character in which the act of singing gets closer to narrating.
Transcription of the song is published in the Collection as a two-part arrangement (nr. 176).
In the recording we can hear a conversation between Tihomir Vujičić and the singer.
In the recording we can hear an announcement by the singer.

Široko je lišće borovo, borovo,
široko je lišće, haj, borovo.
Široko je lišće borovo,
pod njim majčin Jovo bolov’o.
Njemu majka često dolazi,
u kecelji grožđe donosi.
– Ne mogu ti, majko prebolet,
već ti moram, majko, mlad umret.
– Kako ću te sine žaliti?
Pred tobom ću belo nositi,
za tobom ću crno žaliti:
e, tako će majka žaliti.

Ljubica Bebić Vujičić.: My dear and beloved listeners, listen, Vujičić’s widow Ljubica Bebić of seventy and eight years!