99. Doline tutnje –melody of a song, Magyarcsanád (Čanad), manuscript;(VT_Dig_00014_037)100. Knjigu piše kralj Srbije – melody of the song, Magyarcsanád (Čanad), manuscript;(VT_Dig_00014_038)101. Spustila se gusta magla preko Dunava – melody and lyrics of the song, Pomáz (Pomaz) (sung by Ignjat – Igo Čoban), manuscript; (Vujicsics_122)102. Služim cara tri godine dana from “the other side” – lyrics of the song, Martinci (Felsőszentmáron), manuscript;(VT_Dig_00009_016)103. Kada nama žica svira – melody and lyrics of the song, sung by Stevo Kovačević (53), Lakócsa (Lukovišće), manuscript;(VT_Dig_00009_015)