146. Dedication to Dragoslav Dević, probably at the occasion of congress of Yugoslav folklorists in Ohrid in 1960; (the copy of the book has been given to the library of the Institute of Musicology SASA)147. Front page of the book by Davit Kasradze, Literary Portraits (1962) (in Georgian); scanned by the Institute of Musicology HAS, no number.148. Dedication of Levan Kasradze, “To Tihomir Vujičić for remembrance from Levan Kasradze” 23.2.1963.(in Georgian); scan of the Institute of Musicology HAS, no number149. Dedication of Girol Chikvadze: “To dear Hungarian guest Vujičić Tihomir”, 14. 2. 1962 (in Georgian); scan of the Institute of Musicology HAS, no number