203. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Cvjetko Rihtman (undated)_1, manuscript; VT_Dig_00011_024204. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Cvjetko Rihtman (undated)_2; VT_Dig_00011_025205. Call from Vinko Žganec for Tihomir Vujičić’s text, sent on behalf of the Editorial Board for the Proceedings from the Congress of Yugoslav folklorists in Varaždin (3. 1. 1958), typewriter; VT_Dokumentum_5_01206. Personal message from Vinko Žganec to Tihomir Vujičić on the back of the Call for paper, manuscript; VT_Dokumentum_5_02207. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Mihailo Vukdragović, undated, manuscript; VT_Dokumentum_2_03208. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_1.1 (undated), manuscript; VT_Dokumentum_2_01209. Tihomira Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_1.2 , undated; VT_Dokumentum_2_05210. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_1.3 , undated ; VT_Dokumentum_2_07211. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_2.1, undated, manuscript (in Hungarian/Serbian); Vujicsics_022212. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_2.2; Vujicsics_024213. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_2.3; Vujicsics_025214. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinku Žganec_2.4; Vujicsics_026215. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_2.5; Vujicsics_027216. Tihomir Vujičić’s letter to Vinko Žganec_2.6; Vujicsics_028