This new, revised and extended edition of the book Muzičke tradicije Južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj – A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai [The Musical Traditions of the Southern Slavs in Hungary by Tihomir Vujičić (Tihamér Vujicsics) (1929–1975), originally published in Budapest in 1978 and now once again before its readers, enhances the original publication in several ways. Firstly, the collection has been completed with new transcriptions and variants which Vujičić made himself and it has been organized in accordance with modern ethnomusicological principles. A completely new element of this edition, contributing to its scientific relevance to a great extent, is an online Supplement with field and studio audio recordings of traditional music from Vujičić’s legacy. The Supplement also contains other types of documents connected with this material and Vujičić’s impact in the field of ethnomusicology, such as manuscripts, transcriptions, notes, and photographs.