Versions of transcriptions 104. Alibeg se do jezera krade – lyrics of the mythological song, manuscript; VT_Dig_00003_010 105. Melody of the dance played on violin, with variations written by different sorts of pencils, manuscript. VT_Dig_00003_007 106. Kaži mi, kaži kako da te zovem – melody and lyrics of the song, Battonya (Batanja), manuscript; img-310103955-0014 107. Kaži mi, kaži kako da te zovem – melody and lyrics of a song, Battonya (Batanja), copy; img-310103955-0012 108. Kaži mi, kaži kako da te zovem – detail of notation of the same song copy, with a note; img-310103955-0011 109. Kaži mi, kaži kako da te zovem – detail of notation of the same song copy, with a note; img-310103955-0010 110. Ala imaš [čarne oči] – melody of the song, Battonya (Batanja), manuscript; VT_2018_5.img010 111. Ala imaš [čarne oči] – three-part texture notation of the song, Battonya (Batanja), copy; Vujicsics_140