091. Zelen bagrem, deb’o hlad


Dialect: D
Theme: Refrains, bećarci, shortsongs, potrkušice, šalajke, humorous songs, counting songs, songs from the tavern, songs with the dance
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.104 (19.36–23.07)
Incipit: Zelen bagrem, deb’o hlad [Green acacia, a thick shade]
Locality: Magyarcsanád/Čanad
Sung by Julijana Nedučin (60) and Marija Jenovac (60)
Year: 1959
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics

Comment: A slow variant of šalajka, sung to the bass. Еxplanation of šalajka form see in Tihomir Vujičić’s study in the Collection (p. 136). Transcription of the song is not published in the Collection.