090. Čija flura ovim šorom svira
Dialect: D
Theme: Refrains, bećarci, shortsongs, potrkušice, šalajke, humorous songs, counting songs, songs from the tavern, songs with the dance
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.050B (26.54–29.58)
Incipit: Čija flura ovim šorom svira [Whose flute is heard through this little street]
Locality: Battonya/Batanja (recorded in Budakalász)
Sung by brothers Aleksandar Rockov (42) and Nenad Rockov (38)
Year: 1960
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: A slow bećarac. It is about widely spread and familiar song, sung in the manner of singing to the bass. Flura = frula [flute/pipe] (from Romanian fluier). Transcription of the song is published in the Collection (nr. 203).

Аj, čija flura ovim šorom svira,
aj, čija flura ovim šorom svira?
Čija flura ovim šorom svira?
To je flura siromaškog sina,
a gazdačka zasvirati neće:
gazda plati, pa ga svirac prati.
Gazda pije i vina i sode,
a siroma’ samo ’ladne vode.
– Pratite me, dvanajst tamburaša,
pratite me do moga salaša,
do salaša: stotina je vaša,
od salaša: kud je volja vaša.