087. S one strane Dunava
Dialect: D
Theme: Lyric songs
Reference: ZTI_AP_ 8168b
Incipit: S one strane Dunava [On the other bank of Danube]
Locality: Magyarcsanád/Čanad
Sung by Milan Gurzo (54)
Year: 02. 03. 1959
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: Lyric song. Transcription of the song is published in the Collection, but as three-part arrangement (nr. 193).

S one strane Dunava,
s one strane, lane moje,
aj, Dunava.
S one strane Dunava
samo jedna koleba,
u kolebi devojka.
Ja joj reče: dobar dan,
ona meni odvrati,
ja je odma’ zagrli
pa je odn’o materi:
– Primi, majko, devojku.