053. Zaigralo divno kolo – vuzmeno kolo
Dialect: D
Theme: From autumn to autumn
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.002A (09.50–11.03)
Title or Incipit: Zaigralo divno kolo. Vuzmeno kolo [The splendid kolo has been danced (Maiden kolo for Easter)] Vuzmeno kolo
Locality: Lukovišće /Lakócsa
The song is led by Jaga Petrinovićeva, accompanied by the group of women (“folk choir”) from Lakócsa (Lukovišće)
Year: 1953
Recorded by: László K. Kovács
Comment: A sequence of vuzmene = Easter songs accompanying the kolo dances, performed by Croatians in the Drava River region (see more detailed: Begovácz 1980), represents the examples of exceptionally rich, old ritual traditions preserved in Lakócsa (Lukovišće) until the second half of the 20th century. This series of songs which are recorded in continuity is based on unique, modest, melodic motive material, which mildly varies from song to song, depending on versification. All songs are performed in two parts, the melody is accompanied by a counter part in bass manner, with clearly profiled parts and with the occasional appearance of three-part singing. Antiphonal performance, with alternating singing of the soloists (discant and counter part) and of the group, as well as exclamations / cries during the melostanzas /sung verses and at their endings, are distinctive testimonies about the former lively ritual use of these songs.
Transcriptions were published in the Collection (nr. 133, as also 128, 134, 135, 136)

Zaigralo divno kolo,
zaigralo divno kolo,
divno kolo.
Zaigralo divno kolo,
u tim kolu sve divojke,
sve su bele i rumene,
samo jedna bledog lica,
upita nju drugarica:
– Što je tebi drugo moja,
što si tako belog lica?
– Kak’ ja ne bi bleda bila,
kad me dragi ostavio,
na plot glavu oslonio,
drugu dragu zaljubio.