054. Sava se je zamutila
Dialect: D
Theme: From autumn to autumn
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.002A (11.09–11.56)
Title or Incipit: Sava se je zamutila [The Sava river has been muddied]
Locality: Lukovišće /Lakócsa
Sung by “women and girls” from Lakócsa (Lukovišće)
Year: 1953
Recorded by: László K. Kovács
Comment: Easter song from the same “family” of ritual songs as the 053, performed with vuzmena kolo (Easter-kolo) dances. Variations in the level of microstructure in the melody, with “work with lyrics”, are the testimony of an archaic way of musical thinking. The song is led by Jaga Petrinovićeva, accompanied by the group of women (“folk choir”) from Lakócsa (Lukovišće).
A transcription was published in the Collection (nr. 136).

Two: Sava se je zamutila, zamutila
Sava se je,
Everybody: Sava se je zamutila, zamutila
Sava se je.
Sava se je zamutila,
Do dve seke kupale se,
Mandalena i Marija.
Mandalena preplivala,
Marija se utopila.
Mrtva Mara progovara:
– Mandalena, seko moja,
ne reci mi majki mojoj
da sam se ja udomila;
dva mi brega dva devera,
al’ vodica svekrvica.
Mandalena, seko moja,
pozdravi mi braca moga:
da ne fata sitnu ribu,
ufatit će telo moje;
Mandaleno, seko moja,
pozdravi mi seku moju:
nek’ ne pije Save vode,
popit će mi oči moje.