061. Kata, Kata, na grančici zlata
Dialect: D
Theme: From autumn to autumn
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.098 (12.46–13.15)
Incipit: Kata, Kata, na grančici zlata [Kata, Kata, in a branch of gold]
Locality: Katymár/Kaćmar
Sung by Petrona Petreš (63)
Year: 20. 2. 1971
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: Kraljička song, sung “when they walk through the street”.
Transcription is published in the Collection (nr. 143).

Kata, Kata, na grančici zlata.
U petak se razbolila Kata,
u subotu bolom bolovala,
u nedelju rano uranila,
dvor pomela i vode donela,
staroj majki i noge oprala.