064. Uranile dve devojke mlade
Dialect: D
Theme: Epic songs, narrative songs, romances, ballads
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.098 (07.34–10.17)
Incipit: Uranile dve devojke mlade [Two young girls have got up early]
Locality: Katymár/Kaćmar
Sung (grunted) by Petrona Petreš (63)
Year: 20. 2. 1971
Collector: Tihamér Vujicsics
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: Harvest grunting; a part of Bunjevci tradition. A narrative song, sung according to a widespread melodic model. It is called by different emic terms by Serbs: astalski glas, guslarski glas, and by two etic terms: dinarski varijetet (M. A. Vasiljević) and baladni glas (S. Rakočević). This kind of singing is called groktenje (grunting) because from the II meloverse there occurs sometimes melismatic introductory refrain Ej.
Transcription of the melody was published in the Collection (nr. 168).
(Groktenje is special way of vibrato singing [grunting] used not only in Bunjevci tradition. It became part of intangible cultural heritage in Serbia. See: http://nkns.rs/en/popis-nkns/groktalica-singing.)

Uranile dve divojke mlade
u nedelju žito da dožanju,
otac kosi, a divojke viežu,
s četir’ strane oblaci se stiežu.
Аl’ govori otac svojoj dici,
ćeri Anki i ćeri Milici:
– Poslušajte, moja dico mila,
dok ne priđe ta Božija sila.
Cure sile na zelenu travu,
kabanicom pokrile su glavu;
grom se spusti među obadvije:
Anku ubi, a Milicu rani.
Аl’ Milica dovikuje strica:
– Anka nam se oprostila svita,
ja ostala ranjena dovika!