009. Zbogom pole, gore i logek zeleni
Dialect: B
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.026A (07.49–09.00)
Text incipit: Zbogom pole, gore i logek zeleni [Farewell, the field, the mountains and little green groves]
Locality: Tótszentmárton/Sumarton
Sung by Rozalija Tkalec
Year: 1951
Collector: János Manga
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics
Comment: According to Vujičić’s comment, this melody represents an “old” melody, “one of the basic melodies of Mura River Croats”, different from examples in which the Hungarian influence is noticeable. A Transcription of the song was published in the Collection (nr. 26).
Music note

Zbogom, pole, gore i logek zeleni,
zbogom, pole, gore i logek zeleni.
Kam mi se otpravlaš golobek lubleni?
Svetu širokome, Bogu lublenome.
Golubek lubleni, da mi dimo dojdeš?
Ja ti dimo dojdem naj bo javor zelen
naj bo javor zelen llistek spuščal,
ako toga ne bo,
niti mene dimo ne bo.
To the melody of song Zbogom pole… (Mlinarci/Molnári, 1951):
Sunčece čerleno,
Ne shajaj mi rano.
Sunčece čerleno,
Ne shajaj mi rano.
Sunčece čerleno,
ne shajaj mi rano.
Ne shajaj mi rano,
počekaj me malo,
dok si ja goluba
rubčeco našijam.
Što ga videl bode,
saki pital bode,
de je ona mila,
koje to našila?