007. Sumartonek, al’ si lipi zeleni


Dialect: B
Reference: MZA-VT-AV-4.026A (02.27–04.40)
Text incipit: Sumartonek, al’ si lipi zeleni [Dear Sumarton, you are so beautiful and green]
Locality: Tótszentmárton/Sumarton
Sung by Rozalija Tkalec
Year: 1951
Collector: János Manga
Transcription: Tihamér Vujicsics

Comment: This concerns a traditional song that is very close to Hungarian new style folksongs in its melodic and formal features, which, according to Hungarian ethnomusicologists, has been spread in Hungarian Kingdom in the late 19th century and afterwards it was incorporated also in traditions of other ethnicities. This melody corresponds to melodic variant in the system of Hungarian new style melodies compiled by János Bereczky under the number 2121-50 (Bereczky 2013). Recording of this melodic type from the village Laslovo (Szentlászló) has been kept in the Folk Music Archives of the IM RCH, is available on the link: https://zti.hungaricana.hu/hu/audio/5596/#record-25231 starting on the 44.14.

Transcription is published in the Collection (nr. 32). 

Music note


Sumartonek, al’ si lipi zeleni,
z belim cvetjem ves si ti zasajeni,
Sumartonek, al’ si lipi zeleni,
z belim cvetjem ves si ti zasajeni.

Sumartonek, al’ si lipi zeleni,
z belim cvetjem ves si ti zasajeni.
V Sumartonu tri so fajne divojke
koje so mi srce z mesta gibnule.
Prva klinčec, druga szegfü – majoran,
tretja derži druge dečke: se zavman.

Z Sumartona v Serdahelj je peli put
kud se šeće moj golubek mnogo put.
Kupil sam ti grličica dundeka
kaj buš znala da si mene lubila,
jišće k tomu svakovego pantleka
koj si ga boš na dundek svezivala.