Refrains, bećarci, short potrkušice, šalajke, humorous songs, nabrajalice, songs from tavern, songs for dance (DIALECT D: ŠTO) – (DOCUMENTS)
61. Lyrics of bećarci, undated, manuscript; img-310105734-000662. Peva pet’o na dudu jalovicu – melody and lyrics of the song, undated, manuscript;(Vujicsics_128)63. Comparison of different variants of šalajka model: Example of šalajka, manuscript; (img-704085622-0002)64. Oj, oraje, oraje – melody and lyrics of humorous song, Budakalász (Kalaz), manuscript;(Vujicsics_062)65. Melody of the kolo seljačica and series of lyrics, Magyarcsanád (Čanad), manuscript (VT_Dig_00014_010)66. Dukat, mati, suferin [to seljačica kolo] – melody and lyrics of the song, Magyarcsanád (Čanad), manuscript; (VT_Dig_00014_005)67. Lyrics of humorous songs, Magyarcsanád (Čanad), manuscript; VT_Dig_00014_00968. Teraj, Stevo, nuz koleno levo – melody and lyrics of song to the babačko kolo and part of kinetogram, manuscript; VT_Dig_00004_004.tif