Programs of conferences on which Vujičić took part, summaries and manuscripts of his papers; marginals on programs
217. Program of the 4th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Varaždin 1957_1218. Program of the 4th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Varaždin 1957_2219. “Narodne pjesme i igre jugoslovenskih manjina u Madžarskoj” [“Folk songs and dances of Yugoslav minorities in Hungary”]_1, manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić’s paper presented on the 4th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Varaždin 1957, unpublished220. “Narodne pjesme i igre jugoslovenskih manjina u Madžarskoj” (“Folk songs and dances of Yugoslav minorities in Hungary”]_2221. “Jugoszláv népzene”_1 [„Yugoslav folk music“_1], manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić , undated, unpublished; VT_Dokumentum_7_01222. “Jugoszláv népzene”_2 [„Yugoslav folk music“_2], manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomira Vujičića, undated, unpublished; , VT_Dokumentum_7_02223. “Jugoszláv népzene”_3 [„Yugoslav folk music“_3] manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić., undated, unpublished; VT_Dokumentum_7_03224. “Miodrag A. Vasiljević u Budimpešti”_1, [„Miodrag A. Vasiljević in Budapest“_1], manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić, undated, unpublished; img31225. “Miodrag A. Vasiljević u Budimpešti”_2, [„Miodrag A. Vasiljević in Budapest“_2] manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić, undated, unpublished; img32226. ”O emisijama narodne muzike na radiu. Opšti principi_1 [„On broadcasting folk music on Radio. General principles“_1], manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić, undated, unpublished; img48227. “O emisijama narodne muzike na radiu. Opšti principi”_2 [„On broadcasting folk music on Radio. General principles“_2] manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić, undated, unpublished; img49228. List of participants of the 9th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Celje 1965_1; fotografija: J. Jovanović229. List of participants of the 9th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Celje 1965_2; fotografija: J. Jovanović230. Tihomir Vujičić marginals in book of papers on the 4th congress of Yugoslav folklorists_1; photo: J. Jovanović231. Tihomir Vujičić marginals in book of papers on the 4th congress of Yugoslav folklorists_2;photo: J. Jovanović232. Tihomir Vujičić marginals in book of papers on the 4th congress of Yugoslav folklorists_3;photo: J. Jovanović233. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_1, manuscript (typewriter) of Tihomir Vujičić., undated, unpublished; img12234. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_2; img13235. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_3 ; img14236. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_4; img15237. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_5; img16238. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_6; img17239. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_7; img18240. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_8; img19241. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_9; img20242. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_10; img21243. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_11; img22244. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_12; img23 245. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_13; img24246. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_14; img25247. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_15; img26248. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_16; img27249. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_17; img28250. „Vagant verse and Southeast European folk versification“_18; img29251. Metro-rhythmic patterns, examples to the paper on vagant verse, manuscript; img30.jpg252. Notes to the text on vagant verse_1, manuscript; img53.jpg253. Notes to the text on vagant verse_2, manuscript; img55.jpg254. Notes to the text on vagant verse_3, manuscript; img56.jpg255. Notes to the text on vagant verse_4, manuscript; img57.jpg256. Notes to the text on vagant verse_5, manuscript; img58.jpg257. Notes to the text on vagant verse_6, manuscript; img60.jpg258. Notes to the text on vagant verse_7, manuscript; img63.jpg259. Notes to the text on vagant verse_8, manuscript; img64.jpg260. Notes to the text on vagant verse_9, manuscript; img65.jpg261. Notes to the text on vagant verse_10, manuscript; img66.jpg262. Notes to the text on vagant verse_11, manuscript; img67.jpg263. Notes to the text on vagant verse_12, manuscript; img68.jpg264. Notes to the text on vagant verse_13, manuscript; VT_Dig_00001_023265. Notes to the text on vagant verse_14, manuscript; VT_Dig_00001_024266. Program of the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973_1267. „Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s und Marko Nešić’s“_1, summary of the Tihomir Vujičić’s paper presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973268. „Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and marko Nešić’s songs“_2, summary of the Tihomir Vujičić’s paper presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973269. “Folklorni elementi u stvaralaštvu Isidora Bajića i Marka Nešića” [„Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and Marko Nešić’s works“_1], paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973, manuscript; img04270. “Folklorni elementi u stvaralaštvu Isidora Bajića i Marka Nešića” [„Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and Marko Nešić’s works“_2], paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973, manuscript; img05271. “Folklorni elementi u stvaralaštvu Isidora Bajića i Marka Nešića” [„Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and Marko Nešić’s works“_3], paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973, manuscript; img06272. “Folklorni elementi u stvaralaštvu Isidora Bajića i Marka Nešića” [Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and Marko Nešić’s works_4], paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973, manuscript; img07273. “Folklorni elementi u stvaralaštvu Isidora Bajića i Marka Nešića” [„Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and Marko Nešić’s works“_5], paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973, manuscript; img08274. “Folklorni elementi u stvaralaštvu Isidora Bajića i Marka Nešića” [„Folklore elements in Isidor Bajić’s and Marko Nešić’s works“_6], paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the 20th congress of Yugoslav folklorists, Novi Sad 1973, manuscript; img09275. List of participants_1: IIIᵉ congress international des etudes du sud-est européen, Bucarest, 1974,; SKMBT_363 r19112912160276. List of participants_2: IIIᵉ congress international des etudes du sud-est européen, Bucarest, 1974; SKMBT_363 r19112912150_0002277. Programme_1: IIIᵉ congress international des etudes du sud-est européen, Bucarest, 1974; SKMBT_363 r19112912140278. Programme_2: IIIᵉ congress international des etudes du sud-est européen, Bucarest, 1974; SKMBT_363 r19112912150_0001279. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_1, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter); img41280. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_2, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter); img42281. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_3, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter);img43282. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_4, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter); img44283. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_5, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter); img45284. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_6, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter); img46285. Byzantinismes et orientalismes dans la tradition musicale orale de l’Europe du Sud-Est”_7, paper of Tihomir Vujičić presented on the Third international congress of the Southeast European studies, Bucarest, 1974, manuscript (typewriter); img47286. Undated and untitled text of traditional music in the Balkans_1.1, page 3, manuscript (typewriter), fragment; img50287. Undated and untitled text of traditional music in the Balkans_1.1, page 3, manuscript (typewriter), fragment; img51288. “Mogući odnosi “domorodačkih” i “stranih”, “gradskih” i “seoskih”, “crkvenih” i “svetovnih” prećutno “etnomuzikološkim” zvanih pojava na Balkanu -[”Possible relations between implicitly “ethnomusicological” phenomena: “indigenous“and “foreign”, “urban” and “rural”, “religious” and “profan” in the Balkans – undated text_2.1 manuscript (typewriter); Vujicics_047289. “Mogući odnosi “domorodačkih” i “stranih”, “gradskih” i “seoskih”, “crkvenih” i “svetovnih” prećutno “etnomuzikološkim” zvanih pojava na Balkanu -[”Possible relations between implicitly “ethnomusicological” phenomena: “indigenous“and “foreign”, “urban” and “rural”, “religious” and “profan” in the Balkans – undated text_2.2 manuscript (typewriter); Vujicsics_048