From autumn to autum (Dialect D: Što) – (Documents)
31. Melody and lyrics of the Christmas song Ој, tičice lastavice (when the česnica is made), Pomáz (Pomaz), manuscript; Mel_img-310103955-000932. Lyrics of the song when česnica is made, Pomáz (Pomaz), manuscript; VT_Dig_00010_02633. Doleteše do dva belagoluba – lyrics of Christmas song, manuscript; VT_Dig_00014_00434. Savila se bela loza vinova – melody and lyrics of song in Easter lent, Mohács (Mohač), copy; Vujicsics_05535. Melody of song with the kolo, Drávasztára (Starin), manuscript; Vujicsics_12736. Šeće se Mijo Nemijo and Cmilj divojke posijale – melody and lyrics of songs to vuzmeno kolo, Tótújfalu (Novo Selo), manuscript; Vujicsics_02837. Sestra bratu poručuje – melody and lyrics of Easter song with rhythm pattern, Budakalász (Kalaz), manuscript; VT_Dig_00001_01638. Od dvora do dvora (chromatic scale)–melody and lyrics of kraljice song, manuscript; VT_Dig_00007_00939. Okreni se olo; Оva kuća pusta – melodies and lyrics of kraljice songs, Csávoly (Čavolj), copy; VT_Dig_00004_00640. Undated lyrics of kraljice songs, when they (kraljices) meet on the road, manuscript; VT_Dokumentum_3_0241. Mi svuda hodimo_1 – melody and lyrics of kraljice song, Dunaszekcső (Sečuj), manuscript_142.Mi svuda hodimo_2 – continuation of lyrics of kraljice song_2, Dunaszekcső (Sečuj), manuscript;43. Melody and fragment of lyrics of a dodola song in Romanian language [on the melody from Serbian tradition, Banat], manuscript;44. Ivansko cveće and Ivan bere lan_1 –lyrics of two Midsummer songs, Pomáz (Pomaz), typewriter; Vujicsics_12045. Ivansko cveće és Ivan bere lan_2 – lyrics of two Midsummer song, Pomaz, copy (manuscript); Vujicsics_12146. Melodies and lyrics of Midsummer songs_3, Pomáz (Pomaz), manuscript; VT_2018_5.img00847. Two-part notation and lyrics of a Midsummer song_4, Pomáz (Pomaz), copy (manuscript); Vujicsics_118